Inner Voice Academy May 2017: Using Your Inner Voice to Create Joy

Online Academy Session with Tory Dube Replay:



These practices can be done at any time and in any order. Please reach out if you have any questions, especially if you are going through these on your own.


Make a list of 5-10 (or more) things that bring you joy. Try to have a combination of things that are small and big. (i.e. not special days like holidays...)

Set an intention to do one thing from your list every single day. Report back here and let us know each day what you did. This is going to be a month of acccountability!


Journal on a joyful memory. When you sit with this memory how does that joy feel in your body? Write down how that joy feels. Spend a moment to recognize that simply remembering something joyful can create joy. 


In Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell, there is a section that talks about the physiological response to smiling. Scientists have actually done studies that show your brain chemistry changes when you smile (and likewise when you don't.

Smile for 30 seconds. Like, really, full-on smile. Think about whatever you have to think about to keep that smile going. Once you are done, connect with your inner voice and see what she has to say to you.


Journal on the following questions:
*Why do you want to be more joyful?
*How will creating joy purposely change your everyday life?


Journal on the following:

*What can I give up that doesn't bring me joy?


We are all familiar with our inner critic, and our inner critic has an uncanny way of stealing our joy.
Today, give your inner critic a new job! Give that voice the job of making you happy today!!


What 5 things do you want to remember from this week?


Journal on the following prompts:
*What does it mean to you to be filled with joy?
*What does joy feel like in my body?


One of the easiest ways to create joy for ourselves is to create joy for someone else. Today, create joy for someone else in your life, and report back how it made YOU feel.


What role does gratitude play in creating your joy? How can gratitude for something difficult help you find joy in unexpected places?