Trusting Our Bodies’ Wisdom with Stephanie Dodier
/Stephanie Dodier is a Clinical Nutritionist, weight loss and emotional eating expert, author, speaker and host of the podcast, The Beyond The Food Show. Stephanie is creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️ & Founder of the Going Beyond The Food Academy, a global coaching and online training platform focused on helping women make peace with food and their body using Intuitive Eating & Body Neutrality as the foundation. Her integrative and comprehensive approach to nutrition and health focuses on finding the root cause of cravings and aligning body and mind.
Here are some of the big topics we talked about…
How the proven, researched, self-care eating framework of intuitive eating can help you
Behind the confusion of dieting, intuitive eating is always with us: we’re born with it
Stephanie’s mindfulness steps to reconnecting with your body
What happens when you tell your body it’s wrong when it craves food outside of a diet
Distinction between your hunger talking to you vs. your cortisol & stress talking to you
A prerequisite for intuitive eating is to get away from the “food police” idea
Politics and industry of “diet culture,” history of the thinness ideal
The process of transitioning from food restrictions to food choices that are in alignment
In Stephanie’s Voice
“It is so liberating once you realize the power you have to make choices.”
“Intuitive eating will teach you to have a healthy relationship to food, distinguish between emotional and physical hunger, and enable you to tap into your body wisdom.”
“As we are learning to reconnect with our body, we also need to give ourselves the permission to no longer be on a diet.”
“Is it a physical hunger, or is it a hunger because I’m upset? A physical hunger will grow gradually and slowly. An emotional hunger is sudden, aggressive, and obsessive.”
“In asking through food what is it that the soul really wants, you have no choice but to explore your relationship to yourself.”
“Get away from judgment and bring curiosity in the picture.”“It allows us through our eating to connect with many other segments of our lives.”
“Restricting food increased cortisol level in women.”
“Is the way this food makes you feel empowering you and fueling you to chase your dream?”
“What I see in the spiritual side of this field every day is women not even having dreams. They are so caught up in thinner, controlling, and not achieving that. Self-esteem and self-worth go down. I ask them about life purpose and they say, ‘What do you mean, life purpose? I have to lose 40 pounds, that is my goal.’”
“There is structured work that can bring you at peace with food and your body so you can then chase your dream at full force.”
Connect with Stephanie
Gia Duke How To Make A Big Difference With Small Actions
/Gia Duke is the author of Get Your Heart On: The How-To Guide for People Who Want to Make a Difference. A passionate humanitarian, Gia founded the nonprofit Re:mix for foster youth, has done aid work in Africa, and has worked directly with animal rescue organizations. Through her work as a speaker, facilitator, and creator of the Revolution Super Love movement, she is on a mission to brighten the world through creating more love, compassion, and understanding. A certified coach through The Life Coach School with Brooke Castillo and a graduate of the Martha Beck Life Coach training program, Gia is serious about helping people take action to make a difference in the world. She works alongside big-hearted women and men who want to get clear on what matters most and generate the guts to go after it.
Here are some of the big topics we talked about…
Gia’s story of how she came to be the person who helps people help the world
Brainstorming how to make a difference, no computers needed
Integrating helping into your lifestyle, for example on a monthly or daily basis
From making eye contact and smiling to helping the homeless to any level of involvement in an organization, Gia covers the bases with simple starting strategies
Really easy to follow ways of breaking down the planning process for volunteering
Ideas for helping the world in 30 seconds, 5 minutes, and 60 minutes - these are great!
In heart work (compassion in action), differentiating between helper & rescuer roles
Self checks for overdoing in your personal volunteering or in a nonprofit setting
In Gia’s Voice
“Think of what organizations you support or [a cause] you feel drawn to.”
“Starting somewhere is so much more important than not starting at all. I don’t want you to be in overwhelm - I want to show you how simple it is. You can’t choose wrong. Trust yourself. You know what you want to do, what you’re drawn to. Bigger isn’t better.”
“It’s important to remember that we all get caught up in our world but we also interact everyday with people who are going through their things. If we take more time to notice one another and stand in each other’s shoes, it makes things so much easier and life more beautiful.”
“The action of doing something to assist someone is helping. To rescue is to save someone from a dangerous or distressing situation.”
“Remember you can advocate, you can empower, you can assist, rather than enabling or preaching or doing something for someone.”
Connect with Gia
Get Your Heart On - The Book
Stephanie Dodd on The Dodd Protocol
/Stephanie Dodd received a B.A. in Marketing from Pennsylvania State University and an M.S. in Psychology from Walden University, with the intention to enter into the counseling profession. By the time she finished graduate school, she found using complementary and alternative modalities helped her begin to transform her anxiety and seasons of depression and thus began studying with healers around the world. She is a Reiki Master & Teacher, Certified Matrix and Birth Matrix Reimprinting practitioner, Certified 200 Yoga Instructor, EFT Tapping Practitioner, and a Human Design Practitioner. From 2009-2017 she worked globally with women and men helping them to unlock the blocks to loving life through energetic & intuitive healing. During the years 2014 to 2016, she worked as a heart-centered sleep coach, and published an 7-Country International Best-Selling book, Good Baby, Bad Sleeper (Difference Press, 2015). In her programs and coaching, she taught parents tools for decreasing both their, and their children’s, nervous system response system to achieve healthier sleep. Now she teaches sensory deprivation yoga and meditation, while speaking to groups sharing the Dodd Protocol to Happier Living.
Here are some of the big topics we talked about…
A super busy mom and professional, Stephanie had a pivotal moment about a year ago where she got completely away for a few days, twice, and came out of it with The Dodd Protocol - a method for those of us who don’t have the luxury of going on retreat!
Listen to her and Kelly chat about what the protocol entails and how it might help you
Steph integrates tools like a touch pattern that signals you out of fight or flight mode, and knowledge of releasing emotional patterns with essential oils for certain emotions. She teaches this condensed routine so that you can put the brakes on.
Daily practice lets your mind let go, be quieter, and more calmly accept life’s tests
How the Dodd Protocol can give you the benefits of meditation in much less time
In Stephanie’s Voice
“When we keep going, we don’t actually have to feel with our bodies.”
“Being able to have 24-36 hours alone, away from your family, is not a convenience that most people have.”
“We intentionally and deliberately deprive ourselves of these two senses: we take away the sense of sight, and we take away the sense of sound.”
“Essential oils have the ability to get into your inner brain, which is where all of our emotions and memories are stored.”
“With just a few moments a day of doing this protocol, over time you will see huge benefits in how you are reacting to everything that’s coming at you.”
“The science is actually the bridge to the inner goddess.”
“When we change the noise that’s coming to us, we have a chance to impact the future.”
Connect with Stephanie
The Myth of Practice
/Practice makes perfect, right?
Uh, not so much, and if you are practicing with perfection as your intention, your practice will leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed. Today let’s dive into what practice really looks like and how we can practice with intention to bring us joy.
New and Full Moon Intentions with Veronica Perretti
/The next 5 Days of Journaling Challenge begins Monday, September 9! It's the perfect time to reset and rejuvenate your journaling practice and connect with your inner voice! Sign up here for free!!
Veronica Perretti is an astrologer by day and a yoga teacher by night. After years of seeking outside experts and healers to fix her, she turned to her chart to heal herself. Veronica lives in NYC with her honey and her kitty kids, Rama and Zora. She’s an Aries with a Virgo moon, obsessed with KonMari and Bravo TV. You can tune in to her weekly Essential Astrocast on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and wherever you listen to podcasts. Learn more about Veronica and book an astrology reading at
Stop Doing. Start Being.
/What if there was a better way to get things done? What if there was a way to create a to-do list that, with each item crossed off, we were more of the woman we wanted to be?
So this begs the question: Does what you do create who you are or does who you are create the things you do? This is what I'm digging into on this episode.
I'm kicking off another 5 Days of Journaling beginning September 9. We will be revisiting the prompts on Inspired Potential, and I can't wait! If you participated in my last challenge in May you are already signed up, but if you haven't done a challenge before or in a while, you can sign up right here.
Eating as a Spiritual Practice with Marcella Friel
/Having cooked and taught in meditation retreat centers across North America, Marcella Friel is the founder of Tapping with Marcella, a food and body image coaching practice that helps health-conscious people love and forgive themselves, their food and their figure. She has cooked at or directed the kitchens of Gampo Abbey, Shambhala Mountain Center and Spirit Rock. Marcella is a graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute in New York City, a certified EFT Tapping practitioner and a certified matrix reimprinting practitioner. A longtime student and teacher of Buddhist meditation, Marcella combines laser-sharp insight, playful humor and gentle inquisitiveness to help clients feel held, seen and at ease as they release their negative core beliefs about themselves and the foods they eat.
Here are some of the big topics we talked about…
Marcella’s book Tap, Taste, Heal: Use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to Eat Joyfully and Love Your Body
The links between food and spirituality, and our bodies and Mother Earth
Tapping: a tool to start new food practices and get around subconscious obstacles
The secret weapon of sabotage - a whole chapter in Marcella’s book!
When we’re transforming, our souls might want to revert back to a more familiar identity
Looking at the subconscious identities we get from our “tribe” - tap to clear that “subconscious underbrush” and develop the strength to be more authentically visible
Clearing your shadow sides - tapping helps the brain to let go of negative beliefs
A heart-centered 30-second practice to connect you into your inner voice
In Marcella’s Voice
“The food that we eat becomes who we are. I believe it also becomes our consciousness. When we take food as a spiritual practice, we’re likely to make wiser, more discerning choices.”
“We are the earth. There is no nature outside of ourselves.”
“To whatever extent we can, get off that wheel (of stress, inflammation, being too busy)!”
“Tapping is one of the great tools of being able to really resolve conflicting emotions.”
“Sabotage entails the feeling of intentionally thwarting your own progress. Everything’s good and out of nowhere there’s a twist in your behavior where something boomerangs.”
“When embarking on transformation, we hit a setpoint where behavior, lifestyle, and manifestation go beyond that identity. Part of us wants safety, love, protection. That identity, no matter how painful, is still familiar. Part of our soul that says, no, we’re not going any further.”
“Perfectionism is really the evil twin of shame. Both have their roots in ‘not good enough.’”
“For so many of us, not good enough was how we got by. There might have been a hidden blessing. Once we get this, it becomes so much easier to let go of the part that we don’t need.”
Connect with Marcella
How To Not Need Gold Stars
/Do you constantly crave external affirmation? Do gold stars from others give you that feeling of success, fulfillment and enough-ness that you seek?
Guess what? There is a way to not need them!! (Seriously!)
If you are tired of chasing after gold stars from others, but aren’t sure where to begin in the journey of owning your true value and worth today, let’s talk. I’d love to support and guide you as you listen to your inner voice so you can truly begin loving yourself enough to give yourself what you need! If this sounds like something you are interested in, click here sign up for a free discovery call today!
Erica Courdae on Undoing Yourself to Become
/Erica Courdae is an entrepreneur, coach, and consultant. She is dedicated to expanding how multicultural professionals, managers, lawyers, coaches, and creative small business owners interact with the world. Through powerful conversations meant to create dialogue and connection, Erica seamlessly challenges them to perceive their reality through a different lens. Topics including diversity, equality, equity, and inclusion make for the awareness that she uses to create mind shifts for impact in life and in business. Erica believes talking about important and necessary topics in a safe space creates change and helps people feel comfortable, open, honest, and forward focused.
Here are some of the big topics we talked about…
Erica tells the beautiful story of rebranding her hair and makeup company and discovering inclusive business values that helped her see that there was more to her that needed to be brought out into the world
Being yourself regardless of owning a business, not identifying too much by any labels
Arriving at your awareness that you know more than you think you do. Answering your own question by hearing yourself speak is verbal processing
Remembering you are already deserving of things that are inherently yours if you claim them - no one else can deem you worthy, only you can deem you worthy
Dialogues of vulnerability, kindness, and tenderness can trigger positive ripples of shifts - conversation is a catalyst for change, in diversity and inclusion
In Erica’s Voice
“When you are trying to expand, there’s no way to keep shoving more in if you don’t find this way of ‘unbecoming’ who you’ve always decided that you are.”
“We actually advocate for all love being love. We showcase the type of beauty that isn’t always shown: an older woman, a woman that’s not petite, a woman of color, someone who’s hair wasn’t straight. Showing beauty in all of its facets.”
“Now I realize these are cornerstones of how I move through the world - as a parent and a person. I am more than I showcase. There’s a fuller version that needs to see the light of day.”
“You don’t want someone else’s buy-in to be an indicator of, ‘Oh you’re great today, but next week when I don’t buy, you’re not.’ That’s volatile. No one else should have that kind of control.”
“I am a person that looks to connect with purpose, intention, passion, hope, love, and patience. I am someone who looks for the good. Someone who looks to laugh. Love is a band-aid that will fix just about anything. I have faith in possibility even when fear tries to creep in. I find the good in people. I believe in space and possibility. In order to hold space for others, I have to hold space for myself.”
“There’s this fallacy that you have to do these things in order to be deemed deserving of something that is inherently yours if you decide to claim it.”
Connect with Erica
The Conversation Workshop
Are You An Overachiever?
/In a world where overachieving is the gold standard, it can be sometimes difficult to let go of chronic overachieving. BUT, when we take the time to listen to our inner voice instead of just doing for doing’s sake, everything changes.
If this is you and you are finally ready to take a breath and reach our your hand to ask for help, I’m here for you. Let me support you along your journey to listen to your inner voice and really start living an intentional and meaningful life. Click here to set up a free discovery call to learn more about inner voice coaching and how it can help you.
Madeleine Henry: Breath In, Cash Out
/Madeleine Henry worked at Goldman Sachs and in investment management in New York City. She graduated from Yale in 2014 where she wrote comedy for The Yale Record, America’s oldest college humor magazine. Now working on her second novel, she shares more information about her life, writing, and yoga practice on @MadeleineHenryYoga. Breathe In, Cash Out is her debut.
Here are some of the big topics we talked about…
Self-taught yogini and fiction author compares the worlds of finance and yoga - productivity through speeding up or slowing down and being peaceful
Yoga for Madeleine is a practice of bringing her energy into her body when she becomes aware that it’s too high and goal-oriented. Literally a transition from head to body
Physical practice as a way to connect to her inner voice of calmness
Attaining goals by releasing desire and relaxing to receive what you want
She talks about her visceral, nonverbal, intuitive, by-feel learning approach
It took a certain amount of solitude for her know that she should leave Wall Street
She approaches novel writing as a daily practice
Non-results before you get anywhere! Love the process for a long term transformation
In Madeleine’s Voice
“Self-care has a bad rap as being indulgent, selfish, or lazy, and I think that getting rid of those labels is freeing. Feel better about going after yoga or whatever makes you feel like your best so you can give your best self to people.”
“Being fascinated with yoga was a mix of being intrigued with peace and calm, and wanting to do advanced poses, so I explored it further.”
“I am constantly coming back to the mat and my physical practice to help myself.”
“In yoga we try to live more from the heart chakra, which is in tune with intuition, listening to your inner voice, and connecting to your body.”
“There’s this idea that the closer you get to who you’re meant to be, the more relaxed you become. I am most myself when I am at peace.”
“If you’re too embedded in a pack or tribe, your inner voice is the group’s inner voice and you’re just going to be with them. When I was in investing, I was in a smaller office and there was a fair amount of solitude. A certain amount of alone time is important in hearing your inner voice.”
“I feel like the writing is an input that heats up my existence and the yoga is an input that would cool it down. It’s about keeping the balance.”
“There’s a certain amount of writing without kinetic energy or life in it that I have to get through before these people and situations start to feel real to me.”
Connect with Madeleine
Are You Lost To Your Life?
/Do you feel like your life is just making all the choices for you? This is what being lost to your life means. It’s time to take back the reins in your life and deliberately and intentionally create the life you most want.
AND, you don’t have to do this all by yourself! Asking for support is HUGE and HELPFUL! This is my most sacred work, to support you in listening to your inner voice and create a life that is meaningful, joyful and fulfilling! If you are interested in learning more about Inner Voice Coaching, click here to set up a discovery call.
On Values and Happiness with Andrea Owen
/Life coach. Author. Hellraiser. Andrea Owen is passionate about empowering women to value themselves and fiercely love who they are. She helps high-achieving women let go of perfectionism, control, and isolation and choose courage and confidence instead.
Catch Andrea’s first interview on In Her Voice here.
Here are some of the big topics we talked about…
You might struggle with happiness, but you can improve, have compassion for yourself!
Key points of our journey “value work” - some of the top values: love, freedom, courage, adventure, giving back, authenticity, stability, safety, integrity, honesty
Spiritual transitions and one’s changing relationship with one’s religion and devotion
Creativity can look like so many different things. Define what a value means to you!
Authenticity examples: being yourself AND knowing when you’re in perfectionism, people pleasing; taking responsibility for your mistakes and making apologizes; cleaning up messes/ apologizing; having hard conversations and setting boundaries
Don’t set values and run away — know what they look like on a daily basis
Be proud of how you showed up no matter the outcome
Identify red flags of when you’re out of alignment
Become aware of incongruity so you can make a choice about who you want to be
In Andrea’s Voice
“Happiness is where you are proactive in your life in focusing on the things that make you feel good. There are things that we can do that will help us along the path of happiness.”
“What’s important about the way you live your life? What attributes and virtues matter to you?”
“Your values might change depending on the season that you’re in. I invite people to try not to be attached to what a value ‘means.’”
“Print a list of values from the web. Circle any that jump out at you. My guess is that first round you’re going to circle the ones that look good on paper, that you want to be your values. Don’t be afraid to circle ones you might not yet honor in your life. I call those aspire values.”
“Ask yourself what values you need to honor to get you to the next level in your personal life.”
“Professing and naming your values is like naming your children and calling that parenting. It’s not how it works! It’s the same with values. You can tell people what your values are. The next step, what does that look for you on a ground level, day in and day out?”
“I’d have cheated myself, not honored courage, if I didn’t have an uncomfortable conversation.”
“There’s a feeling of congruency, you feel at home and comfortable of who you are. The more aligned you are with your values, the more brave you are in your life, the more you can trust yourself on the other side.”
“When I have moments of being out of alignment with who I want to be, I notice it within a handful of minutes. The solution for me: self compassion, then making a decision about what needs to be done. I have been practicing this for about 12 years!”
Connect with Andrea
Perfectionism vs. Your Inner Voice
/When you listen to the voice of perfectionism it will ALWAYS block your true inner voice. How do you begin to win this battle?
For more support, reach out! Let me help you create the practice of listening to your inner voice. Set up a discovery call today! Click here:
Deedee Morris on Dharma and Grace
/Deedee Morris, owner and operator of Deedee Morris Photography is passionate about telling stories through images. Specifically, your story. Her images reveal the beautiful, raw and honest connections you have to your people and to yourself. Published internationally and locally, she has also shown her fine art portraits in galleries across Canada. She is also a founding member of Women in Dharma, a cooperative of women creating unique, uplifting, and life-changing experiences to support women aligning to their unique path. She lives on the east coast of Canada just outside of Halifax with her husband and twin toddlers.
Here are some of the big topics we talked about…
From moments of calm knowingness, years of soul searching, and an inner voice that stated to her one day “You want a family,” Deedee shares her journey while touching on the subjects of the existential crisis of motherhood, how suffering and inner voice coexist, the journey of being self-employed in something you’re passionate about, and how grace opens the door for love to come through.
Deedee suggests going for a walk and paying attention to your thoughts - they’re pieces of your inner soul coming through. These are baby steps on your journey of being you!
New mothers can meld together the all-encompassing new role of motherhood and the “old you” - Deedee talks about how she navigated this in her own life
Concept of grace as holding a space for mistakes to occur and to still love yourself. Then love flows into you and out to the people that you’re with.
Deedee’s all-female cooperative business Women in Dharma provides in-person and online gathering spaces for women to share their struggles and support each other. Website and social links below!
In DeeDee’s Voice
“If you look into Dharma, you’ll find this concept defined in different religions and spiritualities. At Women in Dharma, we define it as the journey of being you.”
“When you’re a creative person, it’s a very free expression of the inner voice. When I would take photographs, draw, or collage I’d look back and learn about what I was going through. I didn’t necessarily know at the time of creating, but looking back I saw so much meaning in it. That was also my inner voice speaking to me.”
“Our dharma, inner self, and soul are meant to guide us into the good, the positive, the light. Paying attention to darkness and negative thoughts is dwelling in fear, not your true self.”
“[My twins] give me so much inspiration. They drive me to be the best person that I can be. I fail at it every single day, but every day I get to start from scratch.”
“A lot of people are afraid if they have to make money at it, it’s going to take the passion away. That’s definitely not been the case for me. It just keeps driving me.”
“Grace to me is what makes relationships and yourself survive. I think that if people were able to have grace for one another, to fill their lives with grace, we would be such a forgiving society. As soon as you have grace for somebody, then there’s room for love to come in.”
Connect with Deedee
Deedee Morris Instagram
Deedee Morris Website
Women in Dharma: Facebook
Women in Dharma: Instagram
Women in Dharma: Website
Practical Optimism for Inspired Living with Elizabeth Shaw
/Elizabeth Shaw is an eternal optimist, building a world of optimism as an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. It is her goal to inspire everyone around her to believe the best in each other and in the unlimited possibilities of the world. In pursuit of this goal, Elizabeth built the Davine brand on the foundation of her passion, optimism, and curiosity. She has successfully educated thousands of individuals and organizations on how to incorporate practical optimism into daily life, work, and events, in ways that are tangible, sustainable, and immensely rewarding.
Here are some of the big topics we talked about…
We all know people who are optimistic and pessimistic. Elizabeth talks about how it’s so important what you do with what you’re given!
How Elizabeth stalled for 7 years in launching her business because of perfectionism and discusses how important it’s been to release expectations, accept “good enough,” and find the right people on her path
Shutting off input and expressing herself creatively helps her be able to stay in the present moment, even if it’s a short meditation and journal period in the morning
Seeing optimism in smaller steps than one obstacle
Seeing the potential for the best in yourself and others can be an opportunity for growth and encouragement, or it can lead to crippling perfectionism. Seek balance!
Practical optimism is about shifting your experience to more positivity despite what hardships may happen. See the good, improve the world around you, and learn!
In Elizabeth’s Voice
“I’m very driven and I always think there’s something more to be working towards and improving. I’m also embracing the good in ‘what is,’ even if it doesn’t always look good on the surface.”
“I stopped seeing the good in front of me, or the good in what was, because I was always looking for how to make it better.”
“What’s the point of living an optimistic life if you’re not enjoying the life you’re living now? If you’re only looking to the future, you’re missing out on so much in the moment.”
“If we’re just thinking optimistically towards the future we’re not actually doing anything to create that or move towards that. Action gets us out of where we are, gives us opportunities to learn, and teaches us lessons in how to apply optimism.”
“I attribute so much of the fulfillment and success I have in my life to living optimistically. I look for opportunities rather than be shut down by obstacles. I look for ways to connect and see others. I believe there is so much potential in the world.”
Connect with Elizabeth
Doing It Your Way with Jennifer Barcelos & Sandy Connery
/Jennifer Barcelos is an attorney, a changemaker, a mother, and an entrepreneur. She is the co-founder of the Namastream software platform, the Soulful MBA school and community, and the climate justice nonprofit, Three Degrees Warmer. Prior to her foray into entrepreneurship, Jennifer served as a Gates Public Service Law Scholar and received a graduate degree in Environmental Science from Yale.
Sandy Connery is the co-founder of Namastream Software, Soulful MBA, and Connectable.Biz Software. After a twenty year career in footwear and gait analysis, Sandy sold her million-dollar brick and mortar retail business and clinic. She now brings her business experience to the online space where she loves to create community, teach, and inspire other women to find the freedom and impact they desire.
Here are some of the big topics we talked about…
Listen to anecdotes Jeni and Sandy share from being revolted by the “tech incubator” experience to they themselves being the two support people on their software platform (decidedly not having bots answer questions) to their closeness as best friends, mothers, and full-time leaders who work remotely from home
How they weave soulfulness, artisanship, and feminist philosophy into all they do
Even a year before they officially started working together, Jeni and Sandy had congruent inner voice intuitions yet didn’t discover that until later!
The gratitude between these to women is clear - their working relationship is incredibly important to both of their lives and it’s a gift that they share with us how it works
Importance of not participating in the harsh masculine language of online business (like ‘crushing it,’ ‘dominating,’ etc) and consciously living by a code of conduct that resonates with you, even if it’s not the absurdly growth-driven “success” so sought after
How wellness practitioners can shift the belief that spiritual practices like yoga or meditation shouldn’t be profitable businesses
In Jeni’s and Sandy’s Voices
“Digital artisanship is the idea of taking the standards and principles of this offline artisan world and bringing it into the internet.”
“We met in a very masculine setting, we were in a course together with very few women in it. In this environment, it was about growth, profit, and speed. There was a real missing voice.”
“We did a lot of work early on the kind of company we want to build, how we want our customers to experience our company, how we want to empower women to be able to create their own business, have more freedom and flexibility with their time, earn more money, spend more time with their family or in nature. We just weren’t seeing that out there in the very ‘masculine’ economy.”
“Success is also watching our teachers on our platform succeed. They have a gift to bring to the world to teach; they use our platform to reach a greater geographical audience and make an online business because of our tool. Those ripple effects are extremely satisfying.”
“I want to cultivate the innate talents of other people in order to build wealth that supports all of us.”
“We have to be very careful of the words we use because that’s creating the world we live in.”
Connect with Jeni and Sandy
Business Facebook page (Namastream)
Podcast Facebook page (Soulful MBA)
Jennifer Barcelos // LinkedIn
Sandy Connery // LinkedIn
The Digital Artisan: A Manifesto for Crafting a New World