The Power of a Weekly Intention
/Do you need help developing practices that help you listen to your inner voice? Sign up for a free discovery call to see if inner voice coaching or The Inner Voice Academy are right for you!
Do you need help developing practices that help you listen to your inner voice? Sign up for a free discovery call to see if inner voice coaching or The Inner Voice Academy are right for you!
It feels amazing all the time, right??
Yes's also really scary.
The Inner Voice Academy as ongoing enrollment. You can join at any time and will be able to pick up right where you are. Click here to find out more.
How much we know and understand ourselves is critically important, but there is something that is even more essential to living a Wholehearted life:
loving ourselves.
~Brene Brown
How do we differentiate between the knowing of ourselves and the loving of ourselves? Are both important? Will one help with the other?