Rebecca Wong on Intimacy

Rebecca Wong is a relationship therapist, consultant, and host of the Practice Of Being Seen podcast. She's also the creator of Connectfulness, a research-based practice that encourages you to explore and embrace every aspect of your humanity – including everything that’s marvelous and all that’s messy. 

Rebecca believes that when you truly see yourself, you create the ripple that allows you to be the change you wish to see in the world - and that invites everyone around you to do the same. She dreams that we can collectively learn, grow and lean into the possibility of leaving behind a more resilient and compassionate planet then we were born into. 

Rebecca practices as an LCSW-R in NY's Hudson Valley where she also resides with her husband, their spunky children and a handful of four legged furry mischief makers.


Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • In order to have intimate relationships with others, we must learn and know ourselves.

  • We talk about getting in tune with ourselves and our feelings and sitting with the uncomfortable.

  • Intimacy happens in the stickiness of a situation.

  • Learn and grow from what makes you feel uncomfortable.

  • How to start the process.

  • You must connect with yourself, before you can fully connect with others.

  • "Connectfulness” and what it means to Rebecca.

  • Learning how to turn into your inner voice.

  • Fear is a portal where creativity blossoms.

  • If you’re beginning to experience fear, you’re in exactly the right spot -- continue to work through it.

  • Connectfulness is very much about intimacy. It's very much about discovering, and finding, and honing into where you find meaning in your life.

  • Play is a quest for safety.

  • Rebecca shares what her inner voice is saying.

In Rebecca's Voice:

“Being able to sit and sink into the mud of the moment, that's where the intimacy happens. That's where the growth is. It's in the not knowing place.”

“When you truly see yourself, you create a ripple effect that allows you to be the change you wish to see in the world, and that invites those around you to do the same.”

“Sit with those uncomfortable parts of yourself, and learn from it, grow from it”

“Fear is a portal to creativity. Being able to sit with the anxiety and worry, you’ll begin to see the things that need to change.”

“The opposite of being stuck is movement. Creativity is movement.”

“Play is a quest for safety.”

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