On Trust with Sara Intonato

hat does it feel like to actually trust yourself deeply and why is it so important? Sara Intonato joins me today to dig into the juicy topic of trust.

Be sure to check out Sara's upcoming Virtual Yoga Retreats.

Not sure how to even begin trusting yourself and your inner voice? Let's dig in on a Deep Dive Inner Voice Session. In just 60 minutes you will get clarity around which practices you can put into place to connect with your inner voice on a daily basis and begin to trust in the guidance that its deep wisdom gives. Sign up for your session here.

Actions and Intentions

Another episode in the thread of intentions, alignment and actions. I share a fill-in-the-blank way to get really clear on what actions are aligned with your intentions.

To listen to the other episodes related to this click below:

Ep. 185 Loving Transformation

Ep. 195 Alignment

To sign up for a Deep Dive Session so you can finally have some clarity around your own intentions and beliefs and how to be aligned day-to-day click here.

How to Screw Expectations with Agnes Wainman

I felt like this was the perfect conversation for the current times we are in! You can connect with Agnes Wainman at www.screwexpectations.com and on Instagram @screwexpectations

And remember if you are needing support in connecting with your inner voice as you navigate the minefield of shoulds, now is the perfect time to schedule a 1:1 Deep Dive Inner Voice Session with me! You can do that at www.kellycovert.com.


You know that rub you've been feeling about your choices lately? That's the feeling of being out of alignment with yourself, and here's the thing, shame isn't going to fix it. Here's how to focus on getting aligned and feeling good today.

If this feels very out of reach for you, I'm here for you. A Deep Dive Inner Voice Session can help you work through what it means for you to be aligned in one call. Click here to apply today.

The Importance of Connection with Stephanie Dodd

Right now, connection is more important than ever - connection with others as well as connection with yourself. My good friend, Stephanie Dodd, joined me on this episode to just connect and chat about how we both are moving through these unusual times and share the tools we are using.

Stephanie is sharing her Coronavirus Anxiety Meditation with In Her Voice listeners for free. You can download it here. I highly recommend.

A Gratitude Meditation

At first, this week's solo episode was just late because of me. Then everything changed on Wednesday and Thursday as I began to realize just how much life was going to change for us in the next few weeks.

I am not typically a worrier, but I have been feeling deeply worried. Then I realized it wasn't just my own worry I was feeling - it was everyone's.

At first I decided not to release an episode this week, but as I thought about it I realized I wanted to share with you how I've been dealing with my own anxiety.


I've been steeping myself in gratitude this week. Reminding myself over and over of all the things I have to be thankful for. And it really does work.

So instead of a solo show, I have created a Gratitude Meditation for you. It's short and sweet and made with love. Please feel free to share it. I hope it will help you as much as it is helping me.

If you need to talk, please reach out. I'm thinking of all of you as we sit inside this time of uncertainty.

with love, grace and so much gratitude,

Gratitude quotes from the meditation:

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough." Aesop

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." Melody Beattie

"Gratitude...fills the soul to overflowing and scarce leaves room for any other sentiment or thought." John Quincy Adams

Happiness Matters with Jennifer Dunham

Founder of Profitable Lifestyle Live and owner of Time, Money & Happiness Matters, as a Profitable Lifestyle designer, Jennifer helps driven professionals love their career and fully love their lives. JENNIFER IS A TINY HABITS CERTIFIED COACH, CASH INJECTION SPECIALIST AND MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER AND AUTHOR. With over 20 years’ experience running her Information Technology firm, designing systems and operating procedures, it’s easy to see why Jennifer’s approach is rooted in her IT background. SHE’S A BELIEVER IN AUTOMATION, HABITS, REPEATABLE PROCESSES AND STREAMLINING TO REDUCE OVERWHELM SO YOU CAN FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS MOST. She teaches her clients how to find more time, so they can make more money and increase their happiness. When Jennifer isn’t working, you will find her hiking with her hubby, playing with their kitties Zipper and Velcro, or tending to their small chicken farm in the Sierra foothills in Northern California.

Connect with Jennifer:


to sign up for Jennifer’s weekly free trainings at: happinessmatters.com/fblive

Sarah Weiss on Self-Care for Empaths

arah Weiss, MA, LMT, is founder of the SpiritHeal Institute and The Enlightened Empath Training Program. She initiates and helps cultivate self-empowerment, an awakened heart, and trustworthy intuition in her clients and students.  She is a “practical mystic” and recognized teacher in the Sufi Path, the Andean Q’ero tradition and the Taoist lineage.  Sarah serves as a healer, spiritual mentor, medical intuitive and retreat guide illuminating the path for those who are called to discover the light, depth and power of the heart. Additionally, Sarah is an adjunct professor at Baldwin Wallace University teaching meditation and mindfulness to music, theater, and business students.

You can download her 13 Limiting Beliefs of Empaths ebook here.


Instagram: @spirithealinstitute

Facebook: @spirithealinstitute

Healing Family Issues with Hanna Bier

Hanna Bier is an Energy Healer and Soulful Success Coach. She helps ambitious women across the world to heal deeply and create the successful, love-filled and freedom-based lives they desire.

She uses Energy Clearings, Family Constellations and masterful life + business strategy, so you can transcend your current challenges and move into a new level of confidence creating your abundant future with embodied ease.

Hanna has worked with hundreds of women helping them achieve new levels of success in their love-based businesses, fall in love with the perfect mate for them, as well as grow lighter + brighter and live more abundantly than ever before.

She is the host of the Mystics On A Mission Show and lives in London, UK.

Website: www.hannabier.com
Instagram: @hannafreespirited
Free gift: The Clean Up Your Life Checklist https://www.hannabier.com/start-here

The Beauty of Conflict with CrisMarie Campbell & Susan Clarke

CrisMarie Campbell, an Olympic rower and Boeing flight test engineer, and Susan Clarke, a former marriage therapist and Equus coach, are the authors of The Beauty of Conflict: Harnessing Your Team’s Competitive Advantage and The Beauty of Conflict for Couples. They also have a podcast with the same name: The Beauty of Conflict for dealing with conflict at work and at home. As partners in work and life for over two decades, they’ve adapted their proven step-by-step process honed working with Fortune 100 Companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, AT&T and San Francisco Giants to help long-term couples use conflict as a catalyst to greater intimacy, passion, and fulfillment. Their work and expertise have been featured in notable outlets like The Today Show, NBC, and Shape.

Here are some of the big topics we talked about…

  • CrisMarie and Susan’s individual stories of coming through stress, conflict, & serious illness, and the beauty of intuition and connectivity which helped them get through

  • How Susan uncovered “huge amounts of conflict in her own life that she hadn’t been dealing with” and the span of 10 years that she turned chaos & conflict around fully

In CrisMarie & Susan’s Voice

CrisMarie: “As a rower at the University of Washington, I listened to what was drawing me forward. Meeting Susan was an inner voice listening - I was really paying attention then! I continued to make better and better choices as I made that pivot later in my life. I got healthier and happier from learning to trust the inside voice vs trying to please people on the outside.”
Susan: “I became committed to surfacing conflict. The beauty and the depth of what can happen when you turn towards that which seems hard and difficult! Totally transformational things can come out of that.”
CrisMarie: “I took the fall for a failed project when I didn’t speak up. I knew then and there, ‘I’ve got to figure out how to speak up to power because this is a career-limiting move.’ That was a key transformational point for me around conflict.”

Connect with CrisMarie & Susan


Book Website 



Terry Sidford on Courage

Terry is a sought-after TEDx speaker, author, and Certified Professional Life coach. She has spent over half her life acquiring the knowledge and experience that qualify her to guide others. The acquisition of those experiences is the basis for her book One Hundred Hearts: Inspiring Stories from the Women Who Lived Them, a collection of stories of female courage in the face of adversity. You can find Terry working on her next signature talk and sharing her insight with audiences across the nation.

Here are some of the big topics we talked about…

  • Opportunities lie outside of your comfort zone - you must take that extra step

  • Courage as the attribute that women have but don’t see in themselves

  • The survey Terry created and gave to one hundred women, turned into her book 

  • Courage was an invisible trait that she didn’t see in herself for a very long time

  • It doesn’t have to be a heroic act to be courageous (a common misconception)

  • Lovingly observe fear, being present with it, and take courageous action anyway

  • A very vulnerable share: Terry’s working through of abandonment, how it circled her in toxic relationships, and the realization that helped her

  • Courage is contagious!

In Terry’s Voice

Being transparent gave me the strength to go for things I wouldn’t otherwise go for. I could do this because I knew I was courageous.”
“You absolutely do not know what you’re capable of achieving! You have to get into that unknown space and what helps you take that extra step is knowing that you can do it.”
“Something came up recently and I was thinking, ‘Terry, you’ve been through much worse than this. I know you’ll get to the other side of this.’”
“My theme was that I was afraid of abandonment. I would do whatever it took to have connections. I picked wrong people, partners, and boyfriends in my life. I wouldn’t see it. A toxic person, I’d still befriend them so I’d have that connection. It wasn’t until I realized what my theme was that the theme became the past. It opened up a lot. I knew I could handle being alone if I had to be alone.
“A lot of people are stuck in the old belief and story about themselves. Yes it happened to you, but you can change the narratives, change the chapters going forward.”
Tell someone you trust, ‘I’m trying something new, and trying to move past my fear.’”
“Showing up in life as you’ve never shown up before, is that an act of bravery? Yes, I think it is.”
“When we step up and show our courage to others, it inspires others to be more courageous too. Isn’t that what we all need, to help each other, and lift each other up? It’s not just about you. It’s about lifting everyone else around you to be more courageous too, by example.”

Connect with Terry
