Unapologetic Confidence with Christina Glickman

What would it feel like to show up in the world with unapologetic confidence? Christina Glickman is with me on this episode to show us how to practice it!

About Christina

Christina Glickman is mother, speaker and author of the new best selling book Xtra: The Art of Being. A book meant for the person who’s looking for permission and inspiration to be themselves. She is also a community builder through her successful membership program created for strong, loving, purpose driven women that are looking to step into life with unapologetic confidence.

Christina is currently speaking to groups across the country on unapologetic confidence and the permission to just be. Her powerful message on mindset inspires people to intentionally show up for themselves, every day. Her life’s work is to help other women awaken their xtra and unleash their best self.

Christina is based in Chicago and is also an entrepreneur in the clean beauty movement as an advocate for Beautycounter. You can find her most days working hard with her family right next to her. Exactly how she likes it.

Connect with Christina:

You can find everything for Christina on Instagram: @christinaglickman

Join her community: Xtra: The Membership Program https://xtra.mykajabi.com/

Purchase her book, Xtra: The Art of Being on amazon: bit.ly/xtrabook

When you are ready to take on those big ideas you have in your heart, check out The Idea Hour. It will help you gain clarity, create an action plan, and move forward with confidence knowing you are here for this purpose! www.kellycovert.com/ideas

Laziness is a Lie with Audrey Holst

What if laziness is just a made-up thing? I know…stay with me on this…it kind of blew my mind too! Audrey Holst is with me on the podcast today to have this paradigm-shifting conversation with all of us. We want to know what you think too! Tag or DM us over on Instagram with your thoughts! @kellyjcovert and @fortitudeandflow

Don’t forget, the next Enoughness Workshop is happening on March 30, 2021, from 7-8:30 PM EDT. Ninety minutes of time just for you to get clear on your desires and create kinder habits that will support you and help you feel good enough every single day! Register here.

About Audrey:

Audrey Holst helps people reform their perfectionism so they can reclaim their agency and put their full energy into what really matters. Her work uses a combination of mindfulness and neuroscience tools and combines over a decade of experience teaching yoga with deep knowledge of the nervous system and extensive training and work as a Certified Professional Coach. Through her Fortitude & Flow® Process, Audrey guides individuals and groups through a holistic experience to shift the way they approach themselves and the things that matter to them – for good.

Connect with Audrey:

Link to share for the episode: https://fortitudeandflow.com/podcastinterview/

Social media: https://instagram.com/fortitudeandflow

Original Devon Price article: https://humanparts.medium.com/laziness-does-not-exist-3af27e312d01

Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Laziness-Does-Not-Exist/Devon-Price/9781982140106?fbclid=IwAR3K1hZMVr6nRtJ2kFQiW8CucOS0WWrbLKgD498vZT0UyoroW59nzFYlAb8

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chödrön: https://pemachodronfoundation.org/product/when-things-fall-apart-book-grouped/

Sonya Renee Taylor's The Body is Not an Apology: https://www.sonyareneetaylor.com/books

Two Whole Cakes by Lesley Kinzel: https://www.feministpress.org/books-n-z/two-whole-cake

The 4 Types of Perfectionists

In my own journey as a recovering perfectionist and my work as a coach to many perfectionists, I’ve discovered there are different ways perfectionism can sneak up on us and keep us stuck. On this episode, I’m sharing the 4 Types of Perfectionists. Warning: you might very well see yourself in all of these—I know I do. Be gentle with yourself, and commit to trying some of the strategies I share!

If you are ready to take a bold step in living out your purpose, The Idea Hour is perfect for you. Come with questions about what do next and leave with a clear plan of action that you can begin to implement IMMEDIATELY (no perfection required!)!! Click here to get yours scheduled: www.kellycovert.com/ideas

Dethroning Your Inner Critic with Joanna Kleinman

Your inner critic can really get in the way of a lot. Joanna Kleinman gives us a simple strategy for dethroning that inner critic, so you can get to work on what you've been put here to do!

If you are at the beginning stages of something, like a business or new idea for your business, and you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or frozen, check out The Idea Hour! In just one hour, you can get unstuck and have an action plan that is fun and exciting! Bring your puzzles, and we will channel the solutions together with intuition, deep listening and lots of grace. It’s like a brainstorming session —> upleveled. www.kellycovert.com/ideas

About Joanna:

Joanna Kleinman is a licensed psychotherapist, life and corporate coach, author, podcaster, motivational speaker, and the founder of Dethroning Your Inner Critic. She is an unconventional therapist and is driven by the conviction that the most powerful life you can live is when you know the difference between YOU and your Inner Critic. In her book Dethroning Your Inner Critic: The Four Step Journey From Self-doubt to Self-empowerment, Joanna steps readers through the M.I.N.D Method, a time tested, proven system that brings together practical psychology, neuroscience and the power of intention to discover who you are separate from the critical voice in your mind. With over 25 years of experience, she has worked with corporations such as Campowerment, Cigna, Nestle, and TD Bank, and has transformed the lives of thousands of people.

Connect with Joanna:





Healing Yourself from Depression with Amy Scher

Amy Scher is on the podcast for a second time to talk about her new book: How To Heal Yourself From Depression When No One Else Can. You can listen to her last episode here.

About Amy:

AMY B. SCHER is the bestselling author of How To Heal Yourself From Depression When No One Else Can and three other books about human-ing and healing. As an expert in mind-body healing, she is often lovingly referred to as an “accidental guru.” After suffering for almost a decade with chronic Lyme disease, CFS, fibromyalgia, and many other ailments, she found the missing piece to her wellness: addressing stuck emotional energy in the body. Her books have been translated into 16 languages and her work has been featured in CNN, CBS, Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Review Of Books, and more. Amy is proud to have her techniques endorsed by prominent physicians and used in medical organizations nationwide. She lives in New York City with her beautiful wife and bad cat. Most importantly, she lives by her self-created motto: When life kicks your ass, kick-back.

Connect with Amy:

Website: www.amybscher.com

Youtube: www.youtube.com/amybscher

Free Healing Session: https://amy-b-scher.mykajabi.com/how-to-heal-yourself-from-depression

Be sure to check out The Journaling Spot which is now accepting founding members! This is your go-to place to start and KEEP a journaling practice. Journaling Spot sessions create a way to make journaling easy! Just show up to one of 3 weekly co-journaling sessions on zoom, and journal for 15-20 minutes with a provided prompt and music. Learn more about how to become a founding member of The Journaling Spot at www.kellycovert.com/journaling.

Making Journaling Work for You

You probably know why you SHOULD be journaling, but you still struggle. You want to do it, but find it challenging. You think it might actually help you feel better, but find it hard to find the time to eat, much less journal.

This episode is about how to make journaling work for you and WHY it's so worth it!

Check out The Journaling Spot if you are looking for support in developing and sticking with your journaling practice. Four Free Journaling Sessions the week of February 21-28, 2021!! Sign up for one or all! www.kellycovert.com/journaling

The Power of Your Creative Spark with Paula Hagiefremidis

What does creativity mean to you? How can you use your own creativity to live a life that is fulfilling and full of joy and light? Paula Hagiefremidis has made it her life's work to teach people how to do that. In this interview she shares her thoughts on what exactly creativity is, how to access it and how to use it to create the life you most want to be living.

About Paula:

Paula Hagiefremidis is a published writer, mentor and creative facilitator who’d lost her voice, passion and purpose for 15 years of her life before a major life transition just a few years back forced everything to a grinding halt, sending her on a completely different trajectory and finally pursuing what she loves. She launched Mediterranean Wanderer, which has seen women facing creative and personal life transitions take part in her transformational Creative Retreats and Workshops. As a speaker, mentor and facilitator, her work empowers women through the creative process, to realise the transformative effect of trusting your voice, pursuing your passion and the ripple effect of change this has in opening up our lives creatively, personally and professionally.

Connect with Paula:

Website: http://mediterraneanwanderer.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mediterraneanwanderer/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mediterraneanwanderer

Get your creative juices flowing with an Idea Hour! The Idea Hour is perfect for entrepreneurs, creatives, and times of transition. Bring your puzzles, and we will channel the solutions together with intuition, deep listening and lots of grace. It’s like a brainstorming session —> upleveled. You will leave with ideas, confidence and a plan of action to move forward.

Iona Holloway: Letting Go of Perfect

This is a beautifully raw and real conversation with Iona Holloway about the cost of seeking perfection with all of our efforts. I encourage you to check out her book if this conversation resonated with you.

Iona Holloway is a #1 best selling author, coach, and speaker. She helps women stop shrinking their bodies, worth, and power through vulnerability, creativity, and breathwork. She and her partner, Sean, live in Boston with a very clingy Shiba Inu and a cat Iona has never held. Her pets have taught her a lot about embodied trauma.

Connect with Iona:



Get the first chapter of Ghost for free along with a reading guide: https://www.ionaholloway.com/gifts

Listen to the 5-Year-Old You Meditation:


Visit www.kellycovert.com for more tools and resources to help you let go of perfection and honor the real you.

Lori Crawford on Human Design

What would happen if you started honoring exactly who you are, instead of judging it all the time? We have so many tools to help us understand ourselves better, and Human Design is one of them. Similar to astrology, it uses your birth date, time and location, to depict your unique human configuration. It’s definitely woo-worthy, and worth learning more about! Lori Crawford joins me today to give us an overview of Human Design.

If you want to take the time to generate your chart before the conversation begins, here is a link:


One thing I know about myself that has been affirmed through Human Design is my ability to channel and organize ideas for other people. I consider this one of my superpowers and have decided to lean into it even more this year! Bring your puzzles, and we will channel the solutions together with intuition, deep listening and lots of grace. It’s like a brainstorming session —> upleveled. You will leave with ideas, confidence and a plan of action to move forward. Click here to book your Idea Hour.

About Lori:

Lori Robin Crawford is an embodiment guide. After years of working in the nonprofit world she knew that blanket approaches to wellness were falling short of meeting people’s actual needs. After asking herself what she was going to do with this insight she knew she had to create something new. So she mashed my academic background in Human Security and Sociology, lived experience of feeling like life was happening to her, and joy for improvisational comedy together and began Improviding, an alternative wellness business striving to provide life revitalization through applied improvisation as a lens for reimagining life as we know and experience.

Lori holds playful and expansive spaces while equipping folx with personalized pathways towards self-acceptance, easeful living, and a greater sense of who they truly are underneath the layers life has given them. From applied improvisation to human design, energy work to oracle cards, she loves guiding folx who have a deep curiosity of how their life might be beyond the mundane, back to their inner youthfulness, as they embody and live their magic along the way.

Connect with Lori:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/improvide.with.lori/

Take Action

There comes a time in everyone's personal work, that you must lay down the books, stop listening to everyone else, and apply what you have learned through ACTION.

Today's episode is a word of encouragement for you to do just that. You are brave enough. You are good enough. You are worthy.

Watch Amanda Gorman's Inauguration Performance:

One way to take action is to ask for support. It is always my honor to support you as you step into your purpose. Click here to sign up for a Deep Dive Session if you are ready to begin.

Jill Stevens on Choosing Joy

Even during turbulent times, joy is our birthright. It is there for you to have as you choose...and that is the work we must do.

About Jill:

Jill R. Stevens is a bit of a mystery... She’s been hiding in plain sight for the last thirty years as a very successful writer of more than thirty bestselling titles and coach to entrepreneurs, creatives and writers who hit a proverbial wall.

Known quietly, Jill has also collaborated or been the ghostwriter for others wishing to bring their story, message or work to the world. Plus, written copy for top online brands, marketers and influencers. 

From her first novel at age 18, she’s never publicly celebrated her success and, in fact, hid it, almost JOYfully, like a secret shared with a best girlfriend, sans BFF. Recently, she’s realized the need to “hide” no longer serves her nor her JOYous approach to live, writing and coaching. 

Words are Jill’s SuperPower and JOY is her Secret Weapon that makes all possible. 

JOY is the common thread that infuses Jill’s coaching work, writing and is behind her new passion project - The JOY Magazine

Access a Free Issue of The JOY Magazine today because a dash of JOY may just turn all around like it did for Jill.  - https://www.jillrstevens.com/joy

Connect with Jill:

Website: https://www.jillrstevens.com/

Wednesday Words (Newsletter): https://www.jillrstevens.com/joy-news

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jillreneestevens/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JILLRSTEVENSDOTCOM/

New Year's Reminder: You Are Enough Right Now

There's a lot of noise right now about resolutions and goals, and I'm here to remind you that YOU ARE ENOUGH RIGHT NOW.

Take a listen to be sure that you are wanting to change for the right reasons.

xo, Kelly


Sonya Renee Taylor and Brene Brown on Unlocking Us

The Enoughness Planner: www.kellycovert.com/enoughness

1:1 Inner Voice Coaching: www.kellycovert.com/schedule

Honoring Your Enoughness with Kelly Covert & Sarah Steckler

This is a special collaboration of In Her Voice and the Mindful Productivity Podcast.  Enjoy this interview of Kelly Covert by Sarah Steckler on Honoring Your Enoughness.

Join me on December 30 for a special Enoughness Workshop. Set aside time for yourself to reflect and listen to your inner voice, as you get clear on your desires and kinder habits for 2021. Register at www.kellycovert.com/workshop

Let's Check In

Let’s check in with each other…I’ll go first. I’m feeling all of the things. It’s confusing. It’s hard. It’s exhausting.

And…it’s okay. Here’s what I’m doing to help myself right now. Maybe it will help you too.

Check out The Enoughness Planner. It’s the perfect tool to help you feel good enough every day.

And consider this your invitation to the December Enoughness Workshop. It’s on December 30 at 7 PM EST on Zoom. It’s a chance to give yourself the time and space to connect and listen to your inner voice about the year ahead, about what YOU need to feel the way you want to feel, and about what YOU want most in your life. (If you purchase a planner in the month of December, you receive 50% off your registration.)

Own Your Throne with Pirie Jones Grossman

What would happen if you “owned your throne” and stood in your personal power as a human and a woman? Pirie Jones Grossman is with me to talk about what owning your throne looks and feels like, and why it’s essential to each and every one of us. It has to do with desire, worthiness, and enoughness.

About Pirie:

After a high-profile career as a TV host for E!, Fox Television, NBC, CBS and ABC, Pirie Jones Grossman has leveraged her experience in entertainment to co-host a podcast and event series with Diane Chandler called Own Your Throne to empower women to discard the messages that the media has sent them for decades and instead embrace their inner queen. With a Masters in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, Pirie spreads her message through a blend of life coaching and event production. She has spoken at the UN and has shared the stage with leading influential figures in the personal development space such as Deepak Chopra, Kris Carr, and Jill Bolte Taylor. Pirie lives in Sun Valley, Idaho with her two teenagers.

Connect with Pirie:

Give Yourself Permission

What would happen if you simply gave yourself permission to want what you want and to be who you want to be?

It can all start with writing yourself a permission slip. It seems simple (because it is), but it is a powerful practice.

It's also a practice I included in The Enoughness Planner. There are permission slips sprinkled throughout the planner and 3 pages of them in the back for you to cut out and stick in your pocket when needed!

You can buy The Enoughness Planner on Amazon! Click on over to this link to purchase and check out all of the planner resources while you are there! www.kellycovert.com/enoughness

Midlife to Primetime with Juju Hook

About Juju Hook:

After launching a successful online branding program and blog at 48—and developing a following of more than 50,000 fans—Juju Hook launched her book, Hot Flashes, Carpools, and Dirty Martinis—The Quintessential Guide for Turning Midlife into PrimeTime, to rave reviews from an audience of middle-aged women hungry for tools to help them re-invent themselves and answer the call to contribute in a new way.

Capitalizing on her 25 years’ experience in corporate branding, strategic planning facilitation, and special events with industry heavyweight clients like Jacuzzi and Autonation Direct, she stepped into the speaking circuit to rebrand middle age for women. Today, through online programs, live events, and one-to-one coaching, Juju motivates, inspires, and educates PrimeTime women in topics related to business, life, and relationships. 

It's time for women to take back "midlife" and turn it into primetime! Juju Hook shares ways we can reframe what it means to age, and take back our power as we live by design and desire!

Connect with Juju:

Recreating Our World with Julie Foucht

What happens when we can set aside our fears and live into our true purpose? We can literally recreate our world.

This conversation with Julie Foucht is just what we all need right now. She shares real strategies you can put into place today.

About Julie:

When Julie Foucht decided she needed to take her coaching business seriously, she hired a high end coach and learned to ‘market like a man.’ She doubled, then tripled her income in less than a year, but felt drained, uninspired and restless.

Urged by Spirit, she embraced her essential ‘Womaness’ and birthed a new way, The Art of Feminine Marketing.

Today, Julie teaches female coaches, teachers and healers who are frustrated with traditional marketing, how to build 6-figure businesses through the Art of Feminine Marketing.

Julie’s clients report having clearer vision of their divine purpose, greater passion for their work, the skills to be attracting the perfect clients, and are being paid well for their gifts. 

Julie received her coach certification in 2006 from The Coaches Training Institute. She has served on the boards of numerous non-profits, and was named Woman of the Year by the Professional Women’s Network of the Monterey Peninsula in 2013.

She is married to the love of her life, has 4 children, 2 stepchildren, 2 furry babies and 7 spoiled grandchildren.

Connect with Julie:





Be sure to add your name to the waitlist for The Enoughness Planner, so you can be the first to know when it's available for purchase! The tentative release date is December 1! Enoughness is a choice and it can be cultivated! This planner will help you do that! www.kellycovert.com/enoughness